Senator Anwaar ul Haq Kakar, elected to Pakistan’s Senate in March 2018, has previously served as Advisor to the Chief Minister for the Information Department, Government of Balochistan from January to March 2018, and as Spokesperson for the Government of Balochistan, from December 2015 to January 2018.

He has represented the Baloch government’s position not only within domestic circles, but also on varied international fora. His speaking engagements have included such prestigious platforms as Harvard and the seat of the European Parliament in Brussels.

An avid intellectual, with keen insight on the issues faced by Pakistan’s restive Baloch province, he has been invited time and again to share his views, analyses, and proposals for a way forward, on both academic and policy making platforms. These include interactions with students and faculty members at the nation’s top universities; closed door sessions with the country’s policy makers; briefings to the country’s political and military elite, both at the provincial and federal levels; sessions on building the Balochistan narrative with the diplomatic corps based in Islamabad; as well as a significant number of nationally televised political talk shows.

Senator Kakar’s diplomatic efforts on behalf of the Baloch government have yielded great fruit, having helped to create strong impetus to project a positive and supportive view of the state in the international arena. His skilful addressing of the negative and false propaganda being pushed by anti-state elements abroad, has resulted in several positive policy changes towards these actors on part of the international community and in favour of the Baloch Government.

As Patron in Chief of the Voice of Balochistan, an independent perception building initiative he masterminded, he is directly credited with ameliorating the often uncertain status of relations between the Baloch and non-Baloch youth, and in eliminating misperceptions that stood as obstacles to the cause of inter provincial social integration.

A staunch patriot, Senator Kakar believes in a positive vision for a strong Balochistan, committed to the Pakistani nation.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Balochistan, and is an alumnus of the prestigious National Security Workshop from the National Defence University, Islamabad. He is fluent in English, Urdu, Persian, Pushto, Balochi, and Brahvi.

Connect with the Patron in Chief: Senator Anwaar ul Haq Kakar