All across Pakistan, one can easily find bands of individuals who have been both ignored and left to fend for themselves owing to the inefficiency and complete incompetence of successive governments in country. But perhaps no region has suffered more malignantly than Balochistan. One of the most gifted in natural resources, it is both appalling and irksome to find its locals struggling to get by. The province with lowest literacy rate and highest infant mortality rate is neglected by both provincial and federal governments throughout history. Apart from a strategically important coast line, the province is having reservoirs of gold, copper, black pearls, oil, coal, chromite and gas which is estimated to worth of more than a trillion dollars.
The available resources in Balochistan has potential to change the fate of its people. But they are not been utilized properly because of the corruption and inefficiency of authorities including politicians and bureaucracy. The province requires assistance in multiple fronts as well as careful devotion of ideas and action for the foreseeable future to bring it up to level of development that it has so far missed out in all these years. Its resources have benefitted so many other regions within Pakistan, but its own locals have been deprived from them. For instance, the natural gas which is produced in Sui is reached to the far areas in other provinces, but the people of Sui are kept deprived from it who use wood and coal as fuel for cooking.
Despite being the richest province in terms of resources, the region remained poorest in terms of education, health, employment and most importantly clean drinking water. In most of the areas, both human and animals drink same water. Apart from
There are a lot of expectations from the multibillion China Pakistan Economic Corridor. This mega project for functionalizing the Gwadar port is considered to be the fate changer for people of Pakistan. Unlike the past practices, the government needs to change their attitude towards the deprived province. People of Balochistan should be given their due rights by prioritizing the province in developmental projects under CPEC.


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