The phenomenon of climate change, a direct consequence of an increase in atmospheric CO2 – is no longer a matter of scientific speculation but is fast becoming a reality. This can be briefly explained as there is an increase in Earth’s surface temperature much more rapidly today than earlier in the time period. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that the average surface temperature has risen by around 0.6°C since the industrial revolution of mid-19th century and is expected to rise further by 1.10C to 6.40C over the 21st century.
As every geographic landscape has its own contours, the climate change impacts also vary from place to place. In recent 4-5 years, the environment experts have pragmatically observed the unusual change of weather in Balochistan. The changes patterns of rainfall, snowfall and hot spells are quite intriguing for environmentalists in Balochistan.
Contrary to the traditional cause of rise in climate change, the traditional climate pattern is also been changed in the non-industrial area of Balochistan. For instance, the mountainous city of Quetta which is located at an altitude of 5,500 feet (1,675m) above sea level and stretching over an area of 2,653 km is also witnessing these changes. There used to be regular rains and a snowfalls in Quetta, but now most part of the year is drought. The lake where boats used to float is now completely dried.
The summers are also quite hotter in province. In fact the hottest region of the country is considered to be the Sibi area where 44 degree is usual temperature in summer. Apart from the increase of temperature, there is also a sudden increase in violent rainfall in province which is more destructive than beneficial. This whole scenario is disastrous for Balochistan as it affects the production of fruits and agricultural land. The trees are getting affected also, Apple trees in Quetta, Mastung and the northern areas of Balochistan, and date palms in Makran have capitulated to diseases.
The other important tenant of the whole situation is the “Karez system” of Balochistan and its effecting in larger scale. The ancient system of irrigation is in grave danger as most of Karezes are getting dry due to climate change.
Analyzing all of the facts and figures, the climate change and its effects are alarming for the provisional government. There are many projects for Balochistan of paper which are expected to be completed by 2030 under the umbrella of CPEC. Gwadar and the many other industrial zones in Balochistan will transform the province into an industrial zone. It will worst the already exacerbated climate in province. Government has to take steps in advance to counter this natural threat. It should adopt the tested and proven policies and technologies (e.g. Green technology in Germany).