The province of Balochistan has been blessed with tremendous potentials of natural resources with high mountain barriers and a long coastal area. The people of the province are hard workers and loyal to their motherland. Because of poor development, bad governance and regional and international conspiracies, the province was suffering from instability. The people of the province are now more attentive and concerned about their youth and development of their respective areas. They support the development of their area, education for their children and civic facilities for the masses.
Many militants groups have surrendered their activities and requested the authorities for their merger into the mainstream. They had laid down their arms and condemned the militancy in the presence of media. Today Balochistan is a changed province. The federal and provincial governments have played their roles for promoting peace and stability in the province. Least to say, it was not possible without the dedicated and hectic efforts of the military; Pak Army and Frontier Corps Balochistan.
In order to do away with these confusions, the military created a campaign of awareness among the local masses. The awareness campaign was followed by the motivation for the mainstreaming of the masses and as well as for those elements who were betrayed and adopted militancy as a profession. As a result of this campaign, the people who were involved in militancy laid down their arms and started re-joining the main stream to spend a normal life. This strategy of Pak Army has indeed proved effective, motivational and futuristic approach for the mislead class of the province. The Frontier Corps Balochistan under the dynamic leadership of former IGFC Major General Sher Afgan (now Lt Gen, Corps Commander Bahawalpur), ex-Southern Commander Lt. General Amir Riaz (now Corps Commander Lahore) has played an incredible role to restore the confidence of the masses. To achieve the border control along Afghanistan and Iran was enhanced and men of the Pak Army and FC dedicated themselves to the service of the people in the far-flung areas of the province.
Another most important and needed aspect was the promotion of basic education among the people of rural Baloch population. In Balochistan, there was lack of education, which kept the people, in fact generations under the hostage of miscreants. Local educational institutions were energized and new institutions were established for the promotion of education in various far-flung areas of the province. The youth which was used as an explosive by the miscreants started going to schools and colleges. Armed forces of Pakistan established a number of educational institutions and in many cases, the willing youth were taken to various cantonments by Army, Navy and PAF for a better education with bordering and lodging afforded by the military. Pak Army, FC, Navy and PAF are also providing medical facilities to the local masses.
Overall, Balochistan has managed to cop-up with the pace of other provinces and the share in credit goes to armed forces of Pakistan.