The Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University Dr. Javed Iqbal has named for the Presidential Award due to his keen and sincere efforts in fostering education in Balochistan going to become member of HEC.
Bringing another achievement for Balochistan in field of Education, Vice Chancellor of University of Balochistan has been named for Presidential Pride of Performance Award next Year and offered to join Higher Education Commission.
“With the earnest efforts of VC UOB, the students of Balochistan has adopted pen as goal in spite of weapons.” Senior Vice President PTI and chairman of Disciplinary committee Dr. Munir Baloch said in his statement over the news.
He said literacy rate in Balochistan is lower than Gilgat Biltasitan, for eradicating Balochistan’s backwardness and spreading educational awareness is compulsory, but unfortunately, due to lake of resources, financial crisis and flawed educational policies, new generation can’t get quality education that’s why people go toward deviance.
“Dr Jave Iqbal’s nomination for Presidential Awar is truly moment of pride for the whole province and he will be the first educationist from our province who is going to join HEC to share his expertise in educational field.” Munir Baloch added.
During the tenure of Dr. Javed Iqbal the University of Balochistan has increased 20 point in global Universities points.

Source: Daily Balochistan Express


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