NAB starts anti-corruption shot films competition
NAB Starts Anti-corruption Shot Films Competition
Rukhshan Mir (@rukhshanmirpk) 1 hour ago Tue 11th September 2018 | 07:30 PM
NAB starts anti-corruption shot films competition
National Accountability Bureau Balochistan has launched a far-reaching anti-corruption short films competition 2018 for media houses aimed to sensitize the masses about the adverse effects of corruption.
QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 11th Sep, 2018 ) :National Accountability Bureau Balochistan has launched a far-reaching anti-corruption short films competition 2018 for media houses aimed to sensitize the masses about the adverse effects of corruption. The media houses that will clinch first, second and third positions respectively would be rewarded with cash prizes. Entries are open to the Media Houses, Producers and Writers across the province. Participants will submit their entries to Nab Balochistan while contestants would also submit a copy of their work at nab.quetta@gmail.com.
Entries will be received from 12 September to 30 October 2018, screening process of the received films will be held in last week of November 2018 by the prominent artists of the country while the winners would be awarded cash prize on 9th December, 2018, World Anti-Corruption Day.
Source: Urdu Point