Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani has said that the provincial government is taking all possible steps to devolve power to the local government level, while vowing to ensure completion of 450 development projects as scheduled during the current financial year.
“Our province is the least developed despite receiving huge amounts of funds because the money is not adequately utilised. The current government is taking speedy steps to put development projects back on track and ensure good governance,” Jam Kamal said while addressing a public meeting in Khaliqabad area of Kalat on 7th of April.
“The government intends to establish four middle and six high schools in each district of Balochistan every year, while thousands of vacant post will be filled in education department,” Kamal said. He added that the government would release the budget of municipal committees to ensure basic facilities for the people.

Source: The Express Tribune


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